MoveIt Task Constructor (MTC)

The Task Constructor framework provides a flexible and transparent way to define and plan actions that consist of multiple interdependent subtasks. It draws on the planning capabilities of MoveIt to solve individual subproblems in black-box planning stages. A common interface, based on MoveIt’s PlanningScene is used to pass solution hypotheses between stages. The framework enables the hierarchical organization of basic stages using containers, allowing for sequential as well as parallel compositions. For more details, please refer to the associated ICRA 2019 publication.

Organization of the documentation

  • Tutorials provide examples how to setup your task pipeline. Start with First Steps if you are new to MTC.

  • Concepts discuss the architecture and terminology of MTC on a fairly high level.

  • How-To Guides help solving specific problems and use cases.

  • The API reference provides quick access to available classes, functions, and their parameters.