#include <storage.h>
enum | Direction : uint8_t { FORWARD
} |
enum | Update : uint8_t { STATUS = 1 << 0
, PRIORITY = 1 << 1
} |
using | UpdateFlags = utils::Flags< Update > |
using | NotifyFunction = std::function< void(iterator, UpdateFlags)> |
using | container_type = std::list< InterfaceState * > |
using | value_type = typename container_type::value_type |
using | size_type = typename container_type::size_type |
using | difference_type = typename container_type::difference_type |
using | reference = typename container_type::reference |
using | const_reference = typename container_type::const_reference |
using | pointer = typename container_type::pointer |
using | const_pointer = typename container_type::const_pointer |
using | iterator = typename container_type::iterator |
using | const_iterator = typename container_type::const_iterator |
using | reverse_iterator = typename container_type::reverse_iterator |
using | const_reverse_iterator = typename container_type::const_reverse_iterator |
| Interface (const NotifyFunction ¬ify=NotifyFunction()) |
void | add (InterfaceState &state) |
| add a new InterfaceState
container_type | remove (iterator it) |
| remove a state from the interface and return it as a one-element list
void | updatePriority (InterfaceState *state, const InterfaceState::Priority &priority) |
| update state's priority (and call notify_ if it really has changed)
bool | notifyEnabled () const |
| ordered () |
| initialize empty container
bool | empty () const |
size_type | size () const |
void | clear () |
reference | top () |
const_reference | top () const |
value_type | pop () |
reference | front () |
const_reference | front () const |
reference | back () |
const_reference | back () const |
iterator | begin () |
const_iterator | begin () const |
iterator | end () |
const_iterator | end () const |
const_iterator | cbegin () const |
const_iterator | cend () const |
const_reverse_iterator | rbegin () const |
const_reverse_iterator | rend () const |
const_reverse_iterator | crbegin () const |
const_reverse_iterator | crend () const |
void | sort () |
| explicitly sort container, useful if many items have changed their value
iterator | insert (const value_type &item) |
iterator | insert (value_type &&item) |
void | push (const value_type &item) |
void | push (value_type &&item) |
iterator | erase (const_iterator pos) |
iterator | update (iterator &it) |
| update sort position of a single item after changes
iterator | moveTo (iterator pos, container_type &other, iterator other_pos) |
| move element pos from this to other container, inserting before other_pos
iterator | moveFrom (iterator pos, container_type &other) |
| move element pos from other container into this one (sorted)
void | remove_if (Predicate p) |
Interface provides a cost-sorted list of InterfaceStates available as input for a stage.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /__w/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor/core/include/moveit/task_constructor/storage.h
- /__w/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor/core/src/storage.cpp