Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
moveit::task_constructor::Merger Class Reference

#include <container.h>

Inheritance diagram for moveit::task_constructor::Merger:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for moveit::task_constructor::Merger:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 Merger (const std::string &name="merger")
void reset () override
 reset stage, clearing all solutions, interfaces, inherited properties.
void init (const core::RobotModelConstPtr &robot_model) override
bool canCompute () const override
void compute () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::ParallelContainerBase
 ParallelContainerBase (const std::string &name="parallel container")
- Public Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::ContainerBase
void setPruning (bool pruning)
 Explicitly enable/disable pruning.
bool pruning () const
size_t numChildren () const
StagefindChild (const std::string &name) const
Stageoperator[] (int index) const
bool traverseChildren (const StageCallback &processor) const
 traverse direct children of this container, calling the callback for each of them
bool traverseRecursively (const StageCallback &processor) const
 traverse all children of this container recursively
void add (Stage::pointer &&stage)
virtual void insert (Stage::pointer &&stage, int before=-1)
virtual Stage::pointer remove (int pos)
virtual Stage::pointer remove (Stage *child)
virtual void clear ()
void init (const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr &robot_model) override
void explainFailure (std::ostream &os) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::Stage
const ContainerBaseparent () const
const std::string & name () const
void setName (const std::string &name)
uint32_t introspectionId () const
Introspectionintrospection () const
void setTimeout (double timeout)
double timeout () const
 timeout of stage per computation
void setMarkerNS (const std::string &marker_ns)
const std::string & markerNS ()
 marker namespace of solution markers
void setTrajectoryExecutionInfo (TrajectoryExecutionInfo trajectory_execution_info)
 Set and get info to use when executing the stage's trajectory.
TrajectoryExecutionInfo trajectoryExecutionInfo () const
void forwardProperties (const InterfaceState &source, InterfaceState &dest)
 forwarding of properties between interface states
std::set< std::string > forwardedProperties () const
void setForwardedProperties (const std::set< std::string > &names)
SolutionCallbackList::const_iterator addSolutionCallback (SolutionCallback &&cb)
 add function to be called for every newly found solution or failure
void removeSolutionCallback (SolutionCallbackList::const_iterator which)
 remove function callback
void setCostTerm (const CostTermConstPtr &term)
template<typename T , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<LambdaCostTerm, T>::value>>
void setCostTerm (T term)
const ordered< SolutionBaseConstPtr > & solutions () const
const std::list< SolutionBaseConstPtr > & failures () const
size_t numFailures () const
void silentFailure ()
 Call to increase number of failures w/o storing a (failure) trajectory.
bool storeFailures () const
 Should we generate failure solutions? Note: Always report a failure!
PropertyMapproperties ()
 Get the stage's property map.
const PropertyMapproperties () const
void setProperty (const std::string &name, const boost::any &value)
 Set a previously declared property to a new value.
void setProperty (const std::string &name, const char *value)
 overload: const char* values are stored as std::string
void reportPropertyError (const Property::error &e)
 Analyze source of error and report accordingly.
double getTotalComputeTime () const

Protected Member Functions

 Merger (MergerPrivate *impl)
void onNewSolution (const SolutionBase &s) override
 called by a (direct) child when a new solution becomes available
- Protected Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::ParallelContainerBase
 ParallelContainerBase (ParallelContainerBasePrivate *impl)
void liftSolution (const SolutionBase &solution)
 lift unmodified child solution (useful for simple filtering)
void liftSolution (const SolutionBase &solution, double cost)
 lift child solution to external interface, adapting the costs
void liftSolution (const SolutionBase &solution, double cost, std::string comment)
 lift child solution to external interface, adapting the costs and comment
void spawn (InterfaceState &&state, SubTrajectory &&trajectory)
 spawn a new solution with given state as start and end
void sendForward (const InterfaceState &from, InterfaceState &&to, SubTrajectory &&trajectory)
 propagate a solution forwards
void sendBackward (InterfaceState &&from, const InterfaceState &to, SubTrajectory &&trajectory)
 propagate a solution backwards
- Protected Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::ContainerBase
 ContainerBase (ContainerBasePrivate *impl)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from moveit::task_constructor::Stage
 Stage (StagePrivate *impl)
 Stage can only be instantiated through derived classes.
 Stage (const Stage &)=delete
 Stage cannot be copied.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from moveit::task_constructor::ContainerBase
using pointer = std::unique_ptr< ContainerBase >
using StageCallback = std::function< bool(const Stage &, unsigned int)>
- Public Types inherited from moveit::task_constructor::Stage
enum  PropertyInitializerSource : uint8_t { DEFAULT = 0 , MANUAL = 1 , PARENT = 2 , INTERFACE = 4 }
using pointer = std::unique_ptr< Stage >
using SolutionCallback = std::function< void(const SolutionBase &)>
using SolutionCallbackList = std::list< SolutionCallback >
- Protected Attributes inherited from moveit::task_constructor::Stage
StagePrivate * pimpl_

Detailed Description

Plan for different sub tasks in parallel and finally merge all sub solutions into a single trajectory

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