- class Task(*args, **kwargs)¶
Root stage of a planning pipeline. A task stage usually wraps a single container (by default
) stage. The class provides methods toplan()
for the configured pipeline and retrieve full solutions.Overloaded function.
__init__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, ns: str = ‘’, introspection: bool = True) -> None
__init__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, ns: str = ‘’, introspection: bool = True, container: pymoveit_mtc.core.ContainerBase) -> None
Append stage(s) to the task's top-level container
Reset the stage task (and all its stages)
Enable publishing intermediate results for inspection in
Send given solution to
node for executionInitialize the task (and all its stages)
Insert stage before given index
Access introspection object
Load robot model from given ROS parameter
Reset, init, and plan.
Interrupt current planning (or execution)
Publish the given solution to the ROS topic
Reset task (and all its stages)
Overloaded function.
Set the robot model for the task
Failed Solutions of the stage (read-only)
name of the task displayed e.g. in rviz.
PropertyMap of the stage (read-only)
Successful Solutions of the stage (read-only)
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, arg0: str) -> pymoveit_mtc.core.Stage
__getitem__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, arg0: int) -> pymoveit_mtc.core.Stage
- __iter__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) Iterator[pymoveit_mtc.core.Stage] ¶
- __len__(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) None ¶
- add(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, *args) None ¶
Append stage(s) to the task’s top-level container
- clear(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) None ¶
Reset the stage task (and all its stages)
- enableIntrospection(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, enabled: bool = True) None ¶
Enable publishing intermediate results for inspection in
- static execute(solution: pymoveit_mtc.core.Solution) None ¶
Send given solution to
node for execution
- getRobotModel(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) moveit::core::RobotModel ¶
- init(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) None ¶
Initialize the task (and all its stages)
- insert(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, stage: pymoveit_mtc.core.Stage, before: int = -1) None ¶
Insert stage before given index
- introspection(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) pymoveit_mtc.core.Introspection ¶
Access introspection object
- loadRobotModel(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, robot_description: str = 'robot_description') None ¶
Load robot model from given ROS parameter
- plan(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, max_solutions: int = 0) pymoveit_mtc.core.MoveItErrorCode ¶
Reset, init, and plan. Planning is limited to
. Returns if planning was successful.
- preempt(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) None ¶
Interrupt current planning (or execution)
- property properties¶
PropertyMap of the stage (read-only)
- Type:
- publish(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, solution: pymoveit_mtc.core.Solution) None ¶
Publish the given solution to the ROS topic
- reset(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task) None ¶
Reset task (and all its stages)
- setCostTerm(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
setCostTerm(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, arg0: pymoveit_mtc.core.CostTerm) -> None
Specify a CostTerm for calculation of stage costs
setCostTerm(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, arg0: Callable[[pymoveit_mtc.core.SubTrajectory, str], float]) -> None
Specify a function to calculate trajectory costs
setCostTerm(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, arg0: Callable[[pymoveit_mtc.core.SubTrajectory], float]) -> None
Specify a function to calculate trajectory costs
- setRobotModel(self: pymoveit_mtc.core.Task, robot_model: moveit::core::RobotModel) None ¶
Set the robot model for the task
- property solutions¶
Successful Solutions of the stage (read-only)